Monday, November 29, 2010

Visual Story Telling-"We Never Catch Fish"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 10-The 21st Century Teacher

This week we will be describing the idea teacher for the 21st century. When we think of teachers we tend to think of lecture, bookwork, examples on the blackboard and whatnot. Today students are considered the Net Generation where students spend most of their time learning and communication online. Below is a sample job description of what an ideal 21st century teacher.

"Students in today's society are utilizing social network as a way to communicate, build relationships, express idea's and so forth. The power of the Internet has allow students to learn faster and gain knowledge through a simple click of the mouse. San Francisco Unified School District is looking for a full time teacher who is well aware of learning theories that will incorporate technology into learning. The ideal teacher will have extensive technology skills as well as social media sites knowledge. Teacher will teach in a non-traditional manner and guide students through certain subjects using multimedia applications. Students must be able to participate and communicate using the technology and assessment through technology is required. Being that technology is slowly being incorporated into education, teacher must gain feedback from students on what technology works and what doesn't. "

This would be an excellent example of a teacher in the 21st century.